Porcelain tiles unite Mannginton’s innovative Natural Variation Technology patterning with production techniques that create a tile so durable – so resistant to stains, scratches and water – that it outperforms even granite. Through body construction and satin finishes give a realistic natural look, built to last. All at a lower cost, and greater ease of maintenance, than stone. Developed to meet the aesthetic needs of the U.S. market, their porcelain lines include complete packages of trims and decorative accents to ensure matching coordination.
Vast color lines. Stunning coordination. Elegant patterning. Through-pattern construction that makes scuff, scrapes and traffic wear remain virtually undetectable. Plus something a bit deeper, just beneath the surface – post-consumer recycled content reclaimed before it gets to landfill – such as drywall from construction sites – as well as factory waste streams. And plentiful, naturally-occurring limestone. Imminently versatile with distinctive patterns ranging from artists’ brushstrokes to shapes of floating confetti, to textured solids. Mannington’s premium tile is all about color.